Europallets are typed by GS1 Germany

WORLD Europallets according to GS1 Type description. Since 2014 GS1 Germany released the pallet quality classes. These pallet quality classes were developed on the neutral platform through Industry, Trade and Service providers.

The type description defines quality criteria for four-way flat pallets made of wood taking into account logistical and functional aspects. It also defines criteria for the manufacturing process, internal and external monitoring.

The aim of typing is to increase the efficiency of the logistic chain in the participating industries by developing a uniform, mechanically and manually operable pallet system.

The type description is freely available to everyone. It can be ordered from GS1 Germany by e-mail: angefordert werden:

WORLD has submitted the corresponding declarations of conformity during the ongoing process and has thus demonstrated that the WORLD Europallets is an execution of the described Type.

The execution number for the WORLD Europallets is 4059214999934

Falkenhahn AG is a Member of GS1 Competence Center for Returnable Transport Packaging
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